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An International Online Journal of the Arts, Language, Entertainment, Culture and Pseudo-intellectuality

Sunday, June 18, 2006

64 If....

As Paul McCartney Day here at The Hubbub continues, we can't let this day pass without acknowledging, with some irony, the "Paul is dead" hoax. The hoax/rumor states that Paul McCartney was actaully killed in a car accident in 1966 and replaced with look-alike Willam Campbell.

How many "clues" can you name? I'll get it started:

1. Abbey Road album cover is a funeral procession: John is the Preacher, Ringo is a Pall Bearer (or undertaker), Paul is the Deceased, and George is the Grave Digger.

2. Abbey Road album cover clue #2: The license plate of the VW Beetle in the background reads 28IF. Paul would have been 28 that year.

3. Sgt Pepper's cover appears to be a scene at a grave side.

4. A younger incarnation of "The Beatles" are in the Sgt Pepper's cover photo dressed in black and apparently mourning.

5. "He blew his mind out in a car. He hadn't noticed that the light had changed." A Day In The Life reference to the accident.

6. Billy Shears is a play on Billy's here, a reference to William Campbell.

OK, you all take it from here. I know I took all the easy ones, but it's my post.


Blogger smelly said...

On "Glass Onion" John says: "Here's another clue for you all, the Walrus was Paul."

He said this because at the time Lennon had McCartney murdered, the latter was starting to balloon up in weight, with pronounced droopy cheek fat and bucked teeth. Sort of like Angela Lansbury whom the Fab Four always referred to as that "Cow" or "Walrus" behind her back.

June 19, 2006  
Blogger CJM said...

THIS Angela Landsbury! The Fab Four's Wonder Walrus?

June 19, 2006  
Blogger smelly said...

On "Come Together" John says,
"one and one and one is three"

Many have interpreted this to mean that there were only three Beatles left after Paul's demise. However, what he really meant was that he flunked mathematics in Liverpool's hopelessly inept school system and he was so tired of Paul teasing him about it (Paul was middle class, you see) that these were the last words little Paulie heard John saying as he bashed him over the head three times with a silver hammer then set it up to look like a car crash.

June 20, 2006  
Blogger smelly said...

On "Come Together" John says,
"one and one and one is three"

Many have interpreted this to mean that there were only three Beatles left after Paul's demise. However, what he really meant was that he flunked mathematics in Liverpool's hopelessly inept school system and he was so tired of Paul teasing him about it (Paul was middle class, you see) that these were the last words little Paulie heard John saying as he bashed him over the head three times with a silver hammer then set it up to look like a car crash.

June 20, 2006  
Blogger smelly said...

On "Come Together" John says,
"one and one and one is three"

Many have interpreted this to mean that there were only three Beatles left after Paul's demise. However, what he really meant was that he flunked mathematics in Liverpool's hopelessly inept school system and he was so tired of Paul teasing him about it (Paul was middle class, you see) that these were the last words little Paulie heard John saying as he bashed him over the head three times with a silver hammer then set it up to look like a car crash.

June 20, 2006  
Blogger smelly said...

There is a little known song recorded by Mike McCartney (his younger brother) in their family setting room, before the lads were famous, when Pete Best took lead vocals away from Paulie for a moment and infamously shouted as the song faded,"I know you want me out of the the band Stump-Humper, but I swear to God you're dead if you do! Got that Beatle Boy!?
Love me do, Love me do, Fuck you, love me fucking do."

June 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But did you know that "stump-hummpers" is an anagram of "He's Mr. Smut pup?" So Paul's being called a "stump-humper" was a reference to the distaste that the band found in his often more than lurid sexual appetites.

No wait, he wasn't actually the "stump-humper." He died before he became the "stump-humper." It was Billy that was the "stump-humper." Therefore the ambigram we're looking for is "must hump pepper."

No doubt it was Paul's ghostly revenge to turn William into a "stump-humper" by whispering ghostly nothings into his ears.

Figure it out Davinci!

That word "stump-humper" is so rude. I apologize in advance to all those who have lost limbs and to those who have the proclivity towards sexual desire to those who have lost limbs.

June 28, 2006  

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