T H E         H u b B U B

An International Online Journal of the Arts, Language, Entertainment, Culture and Pseudo-intellectuality

Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday Rant

I am sick and tired of poeple forgetting to post the FRIDAY RANT!!!


Blogger raw62 said...

I would rant that Dylan did not send me my cd but it came today. As i listen to the music a wave of calmness fills my body. Read Smelly's reviw, the album is GOLD I tell you! Who is up for a road trip to catch him???

September 01, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

poeple? Is that short for Poe people, as in anti-Poekickers?

September 01, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yup...and we hang out with Hale and Hearty.

September 06, 2006  

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