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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Seven Sorrows

When he was just, but one year old, brought on His presentation day

An old man there, named Simeon, prophetic words fulfilled that day.

The words he spoke, would pierce her heart, that this child would be king

and suffer much, and be the fall and be the rise of many men.

Herod had heard the spreading word, that a great leader had been born,

Joseph the guardian, of the child, to His protection was he sworn.

He took his wife, and fled that night, to save his child from the sword

Down to Egypt, a long hard trek, another sorrow was fulfilled.

They looked three days, in every place, and then she found her child there,

the Temple of Old Israel, and the teachers with him there.

"What have you done, did you not know, we have searched you for 3 days"

"Oh, mother where, else would I be, but right here in My Fathers place."

His mission done, yet just begun, after the trial He was scourged,

then crowned with thorns and mocked and scorned, for all the sin that must be purged.

While on His way, to Calvary, He met His mother on the road,

the tears she cried, her only son, this was as Simeon foretold.

They nailed Him down, then raised Him up, to all men this sign is shown

The Lamb of God, laid down to die, the seeds of truth have all been sown,

He cried out loud, in dying voice, "Father, forgive them what they do, accept my Spirit, unto your hands, I offer all of this to you."

As he lay dead, they pierce His heart, the precious blood and water ran,

His body down and placed into, His weeping mothers loving hands.

She holds her child, who would be king, and suffer much to make atone,

Oh, how she cried, oh how He died, her broken heart left all alone.

A follower, of her son, a man named Joseph gave his tomb

the body of her broken child, was laid to rest in that small room.

As Mary watched the burial, of her only son Jesus,

a rock is rolled, across the face, and guards are stationed at that place.


Blogger kelldog said...

Figgered I might bring out the commie police with this highly infammatory personally composed religious oriented prose..... I guess if now one is else is posting f-you all, I can do whatever the Fuck I want....

January 21, 2007  
Blogger CJM said...

That's all fine and good I suppose. But you've still left the ultimate question unanswered: "How many unarmed men would it take to bring down a grizzly bear?"

January 21, 2007  

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