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An International Online Journal of the Arts, Language, Entertainment, Culture and Pseudo-intellectuality

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Parody for The Crocodile Hunter

(to the tune of Peter Frampton's "Show Me The Way")

Hello, I am Steve Irwin
I'm an Aussie T.V. star
Yes I taunt the animals
Go everywhere they are...
I'll punch an anaconda
Crunch a crock, Crikey!
You know my luck it held out
Till I went out to sea...

(chorus) I Was Due!!! Fuckin' Sting Ray!!!
I Was Due!!! Fuckin' Sting Ray!!!

I'm swimming in a circle
The sharks, I'm kicking now
I must engage the wildlife
I can piss off a sea cow

(chorus) I Was Due!!! Fuckin' Sting Ray!!!
I Was Due!!! Fuckin" Sting Ray!!!

Who can I believe in?
A fish or a giraffe?
All God's creatures are our friends...
But Nature has the final laugh...

(chorus) I Was Due!!! Fuckin' Sting Ray!!!
I Was Due!!! Fuckin' Sting Ray!!!


Blogger CJM said...

In case you can't quite place that Frampton tune . Steve Irwin's death certainly touched a chord worldwide, his great fame underscored by an editorial in The Wall Street Journal, this week's obituary in The Economist magazine (they choose one person per week), and a song parody in The Hubbub. RIP Croc Wrestler.

September 09, 2006  
Blogger Slag said...

I wonder what our own Stingray (Bulger) makes of this?

On a side note, when we were in the Bahamas a few years back they were several sea life encounters you could take advantage of. One was Dolphin Encounters, where you swim with dolphins, the other was Stingray City, where you swim with Stingrays. Each was "hands on" with the creatures, and each seemed equally innocuous. We wanted to do each, but ultimately we didn't have time (or budget if truth be told) to do both. So we did the Dolphin Encounter.

At the time, my daughter imagined herself a future marine biologist, but when she saw these 10-12 foot, 400 pound sea mammals, smiling, with scores of razor sharp teeth, dancing in front of her on their massive tail fins, she almost threw up from fear.

She had a point. These were wild animals, who were coerced into being circus clowns. We had no business being in the water, in there environment, essentailly taunting them to perform for us.

Steve Irwin was a great showman, but he didn't respect the animals he interacted with, he exploited them for his show. Crikey, did you see that croc try attack me when I fucked with him?

There is talk that the stingray that spaered him was cornered between Steve and his camera man and acted defensively by striking with his barbed tail. I guess the full story will come out eventually.

All I know is I am glad we didn't choose Stingray City in the Bahamas, because ignorant to the danger they presented, I definately would have fucked with them.

September 10, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

I feel responsible.

-StingRay Bolger

September 10, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

The croc dude may be going to heaven. Smelly, you're going to hell for writing a song parody about every famous person's death. Can't wait to sing it with you at the Mardi Gras bash. And then again in hell.

September 10, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hung out with scores of giant stingrays in Grand Cayman in about three feet of water. We fed them. Nobody f*&#ed with them. We all had a blast. I must hug a dolphin soon though. Before our editor outlaws it. hee hee

September 10, 2006  
Blogger Slag said...

Go ahead, hug a dolphin. Just don't coming crying to me when he plunges a dorsal fin into your sternum.

September 10, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

They're peaceful, friendly and intelligent. They attack sharks, not gentle humans. That is 99.9999999999999999% of the time.

September 10, 2006  

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