Saturday, October 14, 2006
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Aww shit! My head. Damn this keyboard's loud. Yeah, I gotta suggestion: Invite me back on as a Contributor!! Hell, I'll even cover the New Orleans food scene if you want. Anything to get back on The Hubbub with my own byline again. It might even help me cut down on my other addiction. Now WTF* did I put that extra strength tylenol?!
* That's Where The Fuck.
Since we're a Journal of the Arts, Language, Entertainment, Culture and Pseudo-intellectuality, shouldn't we all be posting a little more poetry?
Yeah me too.
You can see why the more popular sites either focus on something specific or go straight into the political realm so people can argue anonymously.
This censored approach for posting supposed good stuff quickly becomes lame.
Let's see, what would be another suggestion? Recognize other musisicans other than Dylan, Beatles and Rolling Stones.
Hey everybody!
There is a new blog called the Hulabaloo!
The only way to become a contributor is to get kicked off the Hubbub!
Hey du4jay!
Send me an email! I'd love to become a contributor on The Hulabaloo. And I qualify; I've been tossed from this cesspool of a blog myself. And you're more than welcome as a contributor on my blog, as long as you post a recipe or two now and then. The way I see things goin' here, when every last dog on this blog gets booted into the backyard, Slag is going to have to kick himself in the ass and out the door. "The beatings will continue until morale improves," as they say.
Since you pissed off Slag and got booted things have, ironically, actually improved for the better. Did you read further down the comment string on this post? No more censorship; it's all about trust now. And did you see that I included The Ramones in my "Trifecta" post, which had you as its inspiration. Tempering those sarcastic outbursts of yours is critical. When you feel the anger boiling up kick back and have a Dixie; just don't post. And if you need to vent your sarcasm, just direct it towards The Ghost of Frank - that chicken-dresser with the outsized delusions of adequacy. My God he's nothing more than a shiver looking for a spine to run up. What this blog actually needs is more fresh, original voices like yours - a lot more! I'm going to do what I can by appealing to our two readers to write letters to Slag. In the meantime, enjoy the next 37 days in the desert.
For BBT- I'm going to have trouble competing as admin becuase I haven't quite figured out how to send an email yet.
For CMJ- I'm just the fall guy. I'm going to have a post on best practices for crawfish boils in the near future, along with wood duck recipes.. well the theme is supposed to be food, Louisiana, recovery planning and all that good sort of shihite.
I just beg you northerners to try some other music. How bout that Buddy Guy? I got to play one of his polka dotted strats last year.
I wish I was smart enough to post a link but here is my actual webpage.
I am trying to network several other of these blog type things I am trying out.
The Hulabaloo is mainly for us pariahs. encorleans is for recovery planning blogs. soundclick lets you post more tunes.
Here: DU4JAY's actual webpage. You are a contradiction! You've got the Beatles on your homepage!!
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And here's how you do that.
Cold busted!
Notice the circumstances however?
That was pulled out of ground level of a house that flooded. Then hung on a tree with the mold fringe. The owner spray painted "Let It Be..." on the glass.
While doing the initial clearing out of my own crib, I thought that was one of the more poignant things I saw. Kind of like a real life blog.....
What is that supposed to do?
Wow, I'm learning:
I had to change the hullabaloo already.. Now we'll be cooking with gas.
With the exception of a latent poet, seems like the only folks posting or commenting on this site have either been thrown off (and since rejoined) or remain out in the cold. So a good suggestion then for increasing site content: THROW MORE PEOPLE OFF!
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